Tuesday, March 3, 2009

First Aid for Eye Injury


1. Intense pain in the affected eye.

2. Spasm of the eyelids.

3. May be partial or total loss of vision.

4. There may also be a visible wound or a bloodshot eye, even if wound is not visible.

5. There may also be a leakage of blood or clear fluid from the injured eye.


1. Do not touch the eye or any contact lens in it.

2. Do not allow the casualty to rub the eye.

3. Do not try to remove any object embedded in the eye.

4. If it will be some time before medical aid is available, bandage an eye pad in place over the injured eye.


1. Support casualty’s head by holding her head on tour knees to keep it as still as possible. If there is a pillow or blanket, put it under his/her head. Tell him/her to keep her ‘good’ eye still; movement of the injured eye may damage it further.

2. Give eye a sterile dressing clean non-fluffy pad to casualty. Ask him/her to hold it over the injured eye and to keep his/her both eyes close. Make sure the casualty is lying down.

3. Take or send casualty to hospital and make sure the casualty is transported lying down. Call ambulance if you cannot transport him/her in the position in which he/she was treated.

(source: Practical First Aid by Irish Red Cross)